Muslim Refugees Can not Enter!
Muslim Refugees Can not Enter!
Muslim Refugees Can not Enter!
Slovakia and the Czech Republic announced that they would accept immigrants who flee from the war in Syria and are only istian. They will determine the immigrants they will admit to their countries according to religious criteria. Preparing to accept 100 Syrian immigrants, Slovakia will investigate whether these migrants are Muslim…   
Ivan Metik, the spokesman of the Ministry of Interior, said in his statement on the criticism that, there is no any mosque in his country, to this respect, for Muslims  it will be difficult to integrate into the country  and their aim is to ensure social harmony. 
Slovakia has announced that 50 of the 100 refugees will be admitted in 2016 and the other 50 in 2017. On the other hand, the Czech Republic announced that they would accept 70 refugees coming from Syria and that they would be made up of children of istian families who are in need of help.
These two member states of the European , which is presented as a project of peace and democracy in the 20th century, are classifying the refugees who have been compelled to flee from their countries.
This attitude, which we have seen frequently in recent periods, clearly shows that Western states are approaching the refugee problem through a discriminative point of view.Western countries are determining the refugees who they will accept their countries through missionary associations and diaspora.
Canada, for example, identify Armenians from Syria through the Armenian diaspora in Turkey admits them as refugees. Thus, both religious and racial discrimination is made. However, according to the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention, "States parties can not discriminate against refugees in terms of race, religion or national origin". They are also obliged to "provide the religious freedoms and freedom of religious education, at least as much as they provide for their own citizens."
In this case the following questions come to mind: Does not this attitude of the European states mean that, it is a clear violation of the international contracts?
Which international law, universal human right principles and which European criterion or moral code gives them the right to classify refugees “who had to left their homes, their past, their lives behind” according to their religion and race?
Is integration not a reckless avow for looking at refugees as potentially cheap labor force before taking them to their countries!?
 The concept of the integration is the excuse of expelling immigrants whose homes have been arsoned, killed, murdered, unemployed, as the target of xenophobia. 
Indeed, isn’t there  any mosque in Slovakia even to help Muslim tourists meet their worship needs? Does the istian Syrians, whom they think they should accept, have a church to worship according to their own sect in Slovakia, where the majority of which are Catholic. 
Is not the place where the words fail that the Czech Republic,  announce that not only the Muslims, they will not even accept the istian families, but announce that they will receive solely the istian children without parents?
What if the name of this discrimination against Muslims who have exposed the direct and indirect attacks of the global colonialists, such as "war, occupation, terror, military coup, internal confusion, economic crisis" is not "Islamic hostility”, so what is it!?
Are these types of approaches provoking societies and trying to feed the deepened hatred against Muslims in Europe?
Press Release / Monday, August 24, 2015
   UHIM/International Center for Watching Violations of Rights
Record Date : 24.08.2015
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