Fields Of Activity
We Publish Violation Reports For Western Countries
We discuss in detail in our reports of “Violation Reports Throughout History” the politics of Western countries which assert that they are the representators of values like human rights, freedom, and democracy. 
We Question The Structures And Applications Of International Institutions
We investigate the reasons of ongoing war, occupation and exploitation around the world. In this context, we examine the applications of UN, ICC, E, IMF, NATO, World Bank, and credit rating agencies.
We Report The Violations Of States, Institutions And Companies
We report violations practiced by states, institutions and companies comprising global system in every aspect of life of living creatures via annual reports titled “World Report of Violation of Rights,” that we publish regularly since 2010. 
We Observe Global Occupations And Political Intervention Onsite
We try to understand and release to the public not only visible reasons but also hidden reasons of problems of the countries experiencing occupation and political intervention via our field work in these countries.
We Uncover Manipulations Of International Culture-Art Institutions
We question the relationship between organizations such as Hollywood, Oscar and Nobel, and politics by studying conferral, affirmation and model creation of these organizations.
We Bring Forward The Issue Of Why And How Africa Was Impoverished
We present wealth of the continent and reasons preparing negative conditions that Africa is experiencing today via our project called “Impediments in Front of Africa’s Potential and Development.”
We Fight Against Islamophobia And Discrimination
We bring forward problems experienced by millions of immigrants who live in Europe and whose majority is Muslim, and also the structures causing these problems via our project called “Rising Islamophobia in Europe: Hatred, Islamophobia and Racism.”
We Give Education For The Construction Of Legal Awareness
We contribute to the construction of legal awareness in society through conferences, seminars and programs that we organize at education institutions, local administrations, civil society organizations and universities. 
We Give Support To The Ones Who Fight Against Violation Of Rights
We provide scholarship and support to student, academician and activists who fight against violation of rights and make effort in that direction. 
We Document Violations With Our Publications
We document violations practiced by global system around the world with our publications such as books, reports and bulletins.
Record Date : 17.12.2015
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