France Closed Down Islamic Schools, Mosques and Associations Under The Pretext Of Combating Radical Islam
France Closed Down Islamic Schools, Mosques and Associations Under The Pretext Of Combating Radical Islam
4 schools, 7 places of worship, 8 cultural associations under the pretext of combating radical Islam in France were closed
French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has announced that since the beginning of 2018, four schools, 7 places of worship, 8 cultural associations and 89 small businesses have been closed in the fight against radical Islam in the country.
During his visit to Strasbourg, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe held a meeting with the representatives of the relevant institutions regarding the latest measures to combat terrorism, and then informed the media about the steps the government has taken in dealing with radicalization and radical Islam.
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said that more than 300 foreigners, who do not have a residence permit, are being deported from the country.
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Record Date : 12.4.2019
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