European Parliament approves new copyright rules for the internet
European Parliament approves new copyright rules for the internet
MEPs adopted the directive in plenary by 348 votes in favour, 274 against and 36 abstentions. This marks the end of the legislative process for the European Parliament that began in 2016. It will now be down to member states to approve Parliament’s decision in the coming weeks. If the member states accept the text adopted by the European Parliament, it will take effect after publication in the official journal and then member states will have 2 years to implement it.
Internet platforms are liable for content that users upload
Some uploaded material, such as memes or GIFs, now specifically excluded from directive
Hyperlinks to news articles, accompanied by “individual words or very short extracts”, can be shared freely
Journalists must get a share of any copyright-related revenue obtained by their news publisher
Start-up platforms subject to lighter obligations
For details:
Record Date : 27.3.2019
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