The United Nations Organization (UN) alleged as being the guarantee of peace around the world, was founded in 1945 with an objective of “providing justice and safety, economic development and social equity to all countries worldwide”. However, the world has witnessed numerous occupation, massacre and genocide of five countries, the USA, the UK, France, China and Russia, which are in the position of Security Council Permanent Representatives with the absolute veto power and also has witnessed the support of independent organizations such as the UN, NATO and International Criminal Court (ICC) through almost all of them.
These five “dispenser of justice” and “democracy-loving” states have been “penalizing” some countries for violating human rightsby making judgments without restraint on one hand; and they have been carrying out occupations and genocides that cause the loss of millions of innocent civilians on the other hand. Here are the unlawful and inhumane practices of the mentioned states since 1945 when the UN, established in sake of peace, justice and security guarantee (!), had started to work:
1. Algerian Holocaust began in 1945 and 1.5 million people were killed. (FRANCE)
2. Occupation movements in Tunisia and Chad continued until the middle of 20th century. (FRANCE)
3. Ongoing genocide and assimilation policies in Tibet since the early 1950s. (CHINA)
4. Vietnam occupation occurred between the years 1955 – 1975and caused the deaths of more than 3 million people. (USA)
5. Invasion of Afghanistan realized between the years 1979 – 1989 and more than 2 million people lost their lives. (RUSSIA)
6. Rwanda genocide realized in 1994 and more than 1 million people lost their lives. (FRANCE)
7. Hundreds of thousands of people died and almost 1 million civilians have been forced to leave the country in the movement of genocide in Chechnya since 1994. (RUSSIA)
8. Conniving Srebrenica massacre in 1995 realized in full view of the world. (UN, NATO)
9. Occupation of Afghanistan began in 2001 and is still ongoing. (the USA, the UK)
10. Invasion of Iraq began in 2003 and caused deaths of more than 1 million innocent civilians. (the USA, the UK)
11. Urumqi events where thousands of innocent civilians were slaughtered in Eastern Turkestan in 2009 and genocide and assimilation policies have been causing loss of hundreds of civilians each year. (CHINA)
12. Invasion of Libya that caused about 50 thousand civilians to lose their lives in the year 2011. (FRANCE, the USA, the UK)

These ones and many other occupations, aggressions, massacres and genocide movements threatening the entire world with their practices should be questioned by the international law-makers, civil structures and world states and those responsible ones should be prosecuted. Most importantly, those responsible for these practices that led humanity to the abyss should be prosecuted and punished in the social conscience.
If you also believe that mentioned states having unlawful and inhumane practices as given above are guilty and believe the prosecution of those responsible and the need for reorganization of the structures of the UN, NATO and the ICC, we invite you to support this “Call to Account Movement”.
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Record Date : 05.01.2016
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