Austrian State Plans 10 Commandments For Immigrants, Demands Refugees ´Show Gratitude´ And Adopt ´Austrian Values´
Austrian State Plans 10 Commandments For Immigrants, Demands Refugees ´Show Gratitude´ And Adopt ´Austrian Values´
According to Deutsche Welle, the list of demands will be issued to new immigrants—including refugees—as soon as they arrive in Lower Austria, the country’s largest and second most populous state.
According to German newspaper Welt, the project is being headed by Gottfried Waldhäusl, a member of the far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) and the state minister responsible for asylum policy. The FPÖ, which governs as a junior coalition partner with the center-right Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), is well-known for its anti-migration stance.
The new rules will require migrants to learn German, adhere to all Austrian laws and adopt “Austrian values” in raising their children. It will also commit new arrivals to resolve conflicts nonviolently, respect religious freedom, prevent unnecessary suffering to animals—an implicit challenge to traditional halal or kosher slaughter—and show gratitude to Austria.
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Record Date : 14.5.2019
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