The Perception Of Art In The Tophane Example Urban Transformation
The Perception Of Art In The Tophane Example Urban Transformation
Cities hosting many civilizations and harboring various religious beliefs and cultures face more difficulties in protecting these features today when influences of globalization are getting more deeply felt while they make their existence meaningful by means of their cultural, artistic and social characteristics. 
It is not hard to define a situation of same sort for Istanbul today. While many historical places and quarters are restructured through urban transformation projects, nature of some quarters are changed/transformed during this transformation.  
Many quarters that was deemed and neglected as “varoş” (suburb) once upon a time and allocated for settlement of citizens that migrated to the city seem to be discovered again with an increasing attention recently.  The quarters that have come under a restructuring process as a natural outcome of the said attention are being transformed into new forms in accordance with demands of new settlers regardless of socio-cultural fabric of inhabitants. 
Perception of art shaped by influence of globalization aims at finding a meaning for its existence in a new space, otherizing its own social values. It is an unfortunate fact that activities carried out in representation of art and artist in our country today are performed in a way that traditional values and cultures are disregarded most of the time.  
Tophane, as a historical quarter of Istanbul, also was included in this process regardless of its historical and cultural characteristics. 
“Tophane Case” which was handled with subjective and partial attitudes by the public needs a comprehensive analysis and a healthy evaluation. 
With this report at your hand we hope to make a contribution into establishing a sound analysis of the process.
Record Date : 5 - 10 - 2010
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