Global “play about terror”
Global “play about terror”
Terrorist organizations are one of the most important tools for global powers, especially in the Middle East operations. Undoubtedly, United States is one of the countries that use these organizations in the most intensive way and with various methods. In this respect, the September 11 attacks constituted the most useful pretext for war against Islam. The US, introduced al-Qaeda militants, which alleged to have carried out this attack, as ’freedom fighters’ at the time of the war against the Soviet . After the questionable September 11 attacks, the US changed his mind; declared that al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization and has invaded Afghanistan with this reason.  The invasion of Afghanistan was followed by the invasion of Iraq, which later came to light to be a fiction.

Not only did the United States turn the Middle East into a bloodbath with the aforementioned occupations, also caused permanent psychological traumas on the peoples of the region. The torture images in the prisons which established during the occupations still remain fresh in the memory of the whole world. As a matter of fact, this spiral of violence caused violence in the following years and misguided peoples of this region towards prone to extremism. The chaos atmosphere was created by ethnicity and religion during the occupations, then tried to be kept alive with established sectarian, discriminatory and minority administrations.

ISIS, which is the product of the imperialist interventions of US and its most important supporter Britain, has been constituted a source of legitimacy to the existing regional politics of the Western powers at this point. In fact, while the ISIS has been largely liquidated, the US has been still carrying out perceptual operations in the direction of threats continue to a large extent. The US has been conducting its perception operations via media, in order to legitimize its weapons aids to PKK/PYD, another terrorist organization. On the other hand, the US still continues to claim in a shiftiness manner that does not have connection with the PKK; and reject the informations about tons of ammunition given to this organization used against Turkey. This ambivalent attitude of the United States is being persistedwith ISIS elements in the desert regions near the border Iraq, where the US did not block them. Similarly, it should be noted that the PYD/YPG also freed the ISIS militants who held as hostages in order to continue to receive weapons assistance.

ISIS's relationship with the United States and Israel often comes to the agenda. This organization continues to serve the purpose of two countries' main policy towards the Middle East, which titled as “stability of instability”. Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, an organization linked to the Israeli army, published a report earlier this year, announces that the ISIS henceforth make hit-and-run actions at the İran’s Lebanon-Syria border region and literally shows the path to follow. This close contact is more evident when we think of the truth that ISIS militans have been time to time treated in Israel’s hospitals and militans who organized terrorist attacks in all countries of the region have not even thrown a “stone” into Israel.
One of the most important actors who take advantage of region’s chaos is undoubtedly Russia. In the time, Russia has not only achieved the policy of warm water but also had a permanent position with his strategic bases in the region. Last year, Russia Foreign Minister said that they did not consider the PKK or PYD as a terrorist organization. With this statement, Russia proved that they do not hesitate to use terrorist organizations in favor of its interests like the United States.

It is obvious that global forces is permissible all kinds of means and methods for the sake of their own interests as a requirement of hypocritical politics and what methods they perform for “collusion” in the field with ubcontracted terrorist organizations.

We should be careful about the artificial agendas which these forces try to create in our minds by using the various tools of the culture industry and especially the media. We should take lessons from history and approach these events both in our region and in the world with this understanding.

PRESS RELEASE / February 15, 2018 (Thursday)

Record Date : 13.11.2018
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